Oficiální stránky Pavla Nedvěda

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25.07.2004 | 15:28
Hello mr Nedved, I doubt wether youll ever read this yourself, but well, you might... I (of course) watched EURO 2004, and I was (and still am) really impressed by you, maybe even more by your eyes then by the way you play football ;-). My brother thought it was betrayal, but I was more a Czech-supporter then a Holland-supporter. Im really a big fan of yours, greetz, Maria
24.07.2004 | 22:18
Čau Pavle chtěl bych ti poděkovat za to,co jsi pro naší reprezentaci udělal na Euru.Je mi fakt líto že vám to nevyšlo.Snad budete mít za dva roky v Německu více štěstí.Přeju ti hodně zdraví a úspěchů v tvé pokračující kariéře.Tvůj fanda Lukáš
24.07.2004 | 14:55
Pavel.Dobry den ! Sono felice, perché Lei guarda bene.(foto di Juve ufficiale site) Ma mi sono preoccupato del tuo ginocchio e cessione di Jankulovski ....
24.07.2004 | 00:05
Tak ahoj Pavle....som tvoja velká fanynka,si pre mňa najlepší futbalista.al nie len pre mňa -všetci v mojom okolí ťa obdivujú a fandia ti-proste si super a na tom už nikto nikdy nič nezmení....tak ti držím palce....a práve som sa rozhodla,že založím funclub,tak aj ty mi drž palce....dobrou...:)
23.07.2004 | 21:11
Ahoj Pavle!jsi muj idol,zeru te,vsude mam tvy obrazky a plakaty,asi jsem blazen,ale musim to proste delat..nejsem nejak uchylna,ale proste ses hezkej chlap+vyborne hrajes..muj e-mail je my.indicore@seznam.cz,tak mi kdyztak prosim napis a posli tvuj autogram..myslim na tebe,muj hraci a preji ti to s manzelkou!Ahoj Yveta
22.07.2004 | 06:59
Dobry den!Jsem Ai. Im Japanese. I watched EURO 2004 on TV.I like your play.You are always powerful and reliable.You show me interesting game,I can have exciting time always.Thank you very much for your wonderful play,please take care of hurt.(Is your knee ok?)I keep to cheering you and CZECH.I will want to visit to CZECH,and meet you! May I ask a favor of you? Please make a official page in English.I will try to study but,it is bery difficult for me. Im looking for waiting! Dekuju.Nashled
22.07.2004 | 06:59
Dobry den!Jsem Ai. Im Japanese. I watched EURO 2004 on TV.I like your play.You are always powerful and reliable.You show me interesting game,I can have exciting time always.Thank you very much for your wonderful play,please take care of hurt.(Is your knee ok?)I keep to cheering you and CZECH.I will want to visit to CZECH,and meet you! May I ask a favor of you? Please make a official page in English.I will try to study but,it is bery difficult for me. Im looking for waiting! Dekuju.Nashled
22.07.2004 | 04:46
21.07.2004 | 22:49
bel Pavel in ritiro non ti sto proprio vedendo..forse hai problemi al ginocchio!!almeno ti 6 rilassato in vacanza??hai ricaricato le duracell??se te non 6 carico siamo rovinati!!un bacio hai tuo dolcissimi bimbi...ah mi disp ke nn giochi i preliminari..ci volevo essere al delle alpi ma visto ke nn giochi eviterò!ci vedremo quando inizierà il campionato.kiss
21.07.2004 | 13:38
were your hottest fans!!!!!
20.07.2004 | 16:42
ahoj pavel! I just want to say that you are the best footbal player ive ever seen! and i like your hair very much :P good luch with your footbalcareer and say hi to your wife and children, they look very sweet! bye,your the best!
20.07.2004 | 13:27
ciao Pavel,bentornato. Agli Europei ho tifato Rep.Ceca e quando sei uscito e ti sei messo a piangere,ho pianto anche io con te.Resta sempre come sei,sei un grandissimo calciatore e un uomo fantastico. Sei unico Miki
20.07.2004 | 12:47
ti voglio tanto bene
20.07.2004 | 12:34
ops scusa alla fine erano punti esclamativi..cmq se puoi rispondermi mi fa tanto piacere.baci ivy
20.07.2004 | 12:32
Bello mio sono contenta che finalmente hai un sito ufficiale,ma noi italiani e tifosi juventini non capiamo nulla... :-)potevi farlo anke in iglese??se poi ti trovi anke in italiano ok????ti voglio tanto bene w juve 6 un grande ritorna ad essere la grande stella ke sei??
19.07.2004 | 23:06
Dear Sir: Does not your website have forum? I want to exchange with some football fans who likes pavel. If you have the forum, exchange of us should will more rapidly then.
19.07.2004 | 22:58
Dear paver: I am your football fans,I come from China.I have sent the E-mail to you, hope that you can reply and give me your signature . At the same time I also want to know some friends who likes you more. I love you forever !
19.07.2004 | 22:21
Vazeny pane, nutne potrebuji repliku vseho fotbaloveho dresu velikost L pro vaseho velkeho fanouska v Turecku. Nebo alespon repliku narodniho dresu. Nevim kam se obratit. Chci udelat radost pratelum v Turecku. nejsem fotbalista.... preferuji kondicni kulturistiku, nemohu na internetu najit spravny obchod ci zdroj. Muzete pomoci???? vas priznivec v Turecku vas opravdu obdivuje. dekuji za odpoved. vizdalova@compel.cz
19.07.2004 | 22:14
Sv. Pavel stoji za Tebou Pavle. Ale nejen Buh Te privedl na fotbalovy trun! Jsi dobry a spravedlivy kral. Rozdavas skvele pasy, hrajes skcely fotbal a mas fyzicku jak lokomotiva. Nechybi ti usili. Ale to, co z Tebe dela fotbalistu obrovske kvality mas predevsim v srdci!
19.07.2004 | 21:10
juventus will be the best in champions league 2004/2005, cause of you!!!!!! love you!!!!!
19.07.2004 | 21:07
ure the beeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please, write in english some things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your the hottest fan from slovenia, janina
19.07.2004 | 15:53
hello!Im Klaudia and Im from Poland. I love you Pavel Nedved :)
18.07.2004 | 17:17
Dobry den! Jsem Sacijo. Pavel,Mam te rad! Na Shledanou.FIGHT!!!!
18.07.2004 | 06:47
Dear Pavel, You must believe that you have fans ALL OVER THE WORLD. Could you please, please add at least the english version of this official website? Im an Asian, and I came to know you since last month from the Euro 2004 cup. For me, the Czech national team is the best team in Euro 2004. Please do consider leading this team to the 2006 World Cup in Germany! Best wishes, leigh from Taiwan
17.07.2004 | 01:03
Jeste jsem se nikde nedovedela, co dela to prave koleno. Doufam, ze to neni nic duleziteho a ze po vyhranem pratelaku proti Recku, zahrajeme i super kvalifikaci nejdrive proti Nizozemi (bez Nisteroye)!!! We come to WM 2006 Germany
16.07.2004 | 19:53
Ahoj! Thanx for the e-mail from pavel info. Even though i dont understand the czeck language, so it was very difficult to read... Its sad that this page is only written i czeck because i thing its a very good Nedvêd-site and its much better than all the others Ive found. Hope you can write some English texsts in the future! I love Pavel Nedvêd!!
16.07.2004 | 17:41
Pavel ! Dobry den! Sono realmente felice perchéperché sono qui - il suo sito web ufficiale - Ma non posso leggere il ceco. sento tuo mancanza... Voglio leggere il suo messaggio ...troppo... Pavel ? come è il tuo ginocchio ? OK ? e lo sono andando cessare ceco internazionale ? Voglio andare a Germania ... per veder Pavel. Siamo sempre con te ! Ti amiamo!
16.07.2004 | 16:42
Youre the best:)I like watch when you playing!Site is wery wery beuty.I send you best wisches and good luck:D
16.07.2004 | 13:08
Dear Pavel, I don´t spaek Czech or Italy language, so I write my Message in English, in hope you lissen it. Really I hope your knee is ok and you started your training again. I wish me so much to see you in Germany about 2006. For you and your Family many nice and lucky years. In friiendly love Gabi
16.07.2004 | 12:22
Nella speranza (speriamo non vana) che tu legga davvero questi msg ti scrivo in italiano che tanto tu dovresti saper leggere. RIMANI O NO ALLA JUVE? Sono appena stata un pò di tempo nella tua città Cheb e avrei molte cose da chiederti ma non è questo il luogo per farlo spero solo qualche volta di sentirti parlare anche di questi posti così belli, malinconici e POVERI. Per ora un saluto a te oppure a quelli che curano il sito era ora che un pallone doro ne avesse uno!!